Laudon Design is an independent type studio dedicated to bespoke type design and lettering art, font development, typography, web typography and talks about type. The studio is located in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Exhibitions & Awards



The Sten A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture 2014

Sten A. Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture was founded in 1996 in honor of shipowner Sten A. Olsson’s on his 80th birthday. The aim of the foundation is to promote research and development and all types of art and culture, humanistic sciences and Christian communion activities mainly in the greater Gothenburg area and western parts of Sweden.

The Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation Scholarship

The Arts Grants Committee’s Scholarship



The Berling Award 2012, given by Berling Media
The Award was established by Geith and Karl-Erik Forsberg at Karl-Eriks 75th birthday in 1989. The name Berling prize comes from Berling antikva, one of the typefaces that Karl-Erik Forsberg created. The prize has been awarded since 1991 to »a prominent Swedish designer for exemplary design, technical skill and excellent literal reading«.
The award ceremony at the Royal Library takes place annually in connection with Forsberg’s birthday on May 15.

The Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation Scholarship


Nominated for the communication award Svenska Publishing-priset 



The Christer Hellmark Scholarship, published by Ordfront


Diploma, Art Director in degree work at IHMs copyutbildning


Gold Egg nomination for Ebon’s / Forsman&Bodenfors


First Prize. Textilhögskolan in Borås
Graphic profile for bachelor degree 1998. Published in Veckobladet


Göteborgs Slöjdförenings Scholarship
Published by School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg

1990 Honorary mentioning
Järfällas Konstsektion



Bokstäverna omkring oss – nutida svensk typsnittsdesign, the Landskrona Museum of Art.
Exhibition of Type Design
27 september 2015 – 28 februari 2016


The Sten A Olssons Culture Scholarship 2014, the Gothenburg Museum of Art.
A major exhibition of my type work, together with ceramic artist Hilda Hellström.
December 6, 2014 – January 6, 2015


Boken under 500 år, Röhsska Museum for Arts, Crafts, Design and Fashion
Exhibition of Type Design


Tänk på saken. En bok om design i väst
Röhsska Museum for Arts, Crafts, Design and Fashion


Fine Art exhibition, VIS Gruppen, Stockholm
Exhibition of drawings and paintings

Public Radio and Television

Vi gästas av Henrik Berggren och pratar klassiska typsnitt
Publisher: Sveriges Radio
In dialogue with Linnea Wikblad and Sara Kinberg.
Lyssna här!
Date: 2017-10-12

Published by Svensk Television AB
Date : 2017-02-18

Published by Utbildningsradio AB
In dialogue with radio journalist Simon Moser.
Date: 2016

TYPO (2014)
Programmet som tar typsnitten på allvar och berättar berättelserna om hur våra bokstäver egentligen fick sina former, hur de påverkar oss och varför.

Publisher: Produktionsbolaget Filt/Sveriges Radio
In dialogue with radio journalist Roger Dackegård.

Doves – det odödliga typsnittet
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-01-11
Blur – det punkigt, rebelliska typsnittet
Lyssna här!  / Date: 2014-01-18
Publico – tidningarnas nya älskling
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-01-25
Historien on Smileyn 
Lyssna här!  / Date: 2014-02-01
Skrivstil and typsnitt
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-02-08
Cooper Black – det vänligaste typsnittet
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-02-15
Eurostile – rymdnördarnas typsnitt
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-02-22
Calibri – typsnittet som hamnade i domstolen
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-03-01
Tratex – typsnittet som vägvisare
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-03-08
Radarpar bland typsnitten
Lyssna här! / Date: 2014-03-15

TYPO (2012)
Programmet som tar typsnitten på allvar och berättar berättelserna om hur våra bokstäver egentligen fick sina former, hur de påverkar oss och varför.

Publisher: Produktionsbolaget Filt/Sveriges Radio
In dialogue with radio journalist Simon Moser.

Comic Sans – älskat av folket, hatat av designbranschen
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-10-06
Old English – från munkar till nazister
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-10-13
Gotham – ett vinnande val
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-10-20
Gill Sans – När Rädda Barnen valde fel
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-10-27
Futura vs Verdana – Om typsnittskriget när IKEA bytte typsnitt.
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-11-03
Bodoni – ett typsnitt för kungar och modelejon
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-11-10
Mason – mord och skönhet i samma typsnitt
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-11-17
Baskerville – typsnittet som ansågs vara skadligt för synen
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-11-24
Helvetica – det offentliga rummets typsnitt
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-12-01
Times New Roman – Typsnittskändisen ingen känner på riktigt
Lyssna här! / Date: 2012-12-08

Lectures at Conferences

Type Directions, CAP&Design Event Live!
Organizer : CAP&Design, Stockholm
Date : 2016-12-07

Digital Typografi, Creative Days
Organizer : Batteri AB, Göteborg
Date : 2016-01-28
Date : 2016-01-29
Date : 2016-02-05

Typedesign that matters
Scandic Copenhagen Hotel, Köpenhamn
Organizer : Society of New Design Scandinavia.
Date : 2014-10-10

I Respond Therefore I am
Gothia Towers, Göteborg
Organizer : Cap&Design
Date : 2014-05-22

Twitter på 800-talet
Pecha Kucha på Park Lane, Göteborg
Organizer : ADA
Date : 2013-11-10

Om typsnitt
(Eng. About Typefaces)
Book Fair, Gothenburg
Organizer : Cap&Design
Date : 2013-09-26

Om Globala typsnitt
(Eng. Global Typefaces)
Bio Rival, Stockholm
Organizer : Cap&Design
Date : 2013-03-19

Om typsnitt och identitet
(Eng. About typefaces and Identities)
MEG 13 Mediedagarna, Göteborg
Organizer : MEG 13
Date : 2013-03-07

(Eng. Fees)
Organizer : Svenska Tecknare
Date : 2012-11-14

Om Carolina Laudon
(Eng. About Carolina Laudon)
Berlingdagen, Royal Library, Stockholm.
Together with Örjan Nordling
Lecture and discourse about my artistic and academic work.
Organizer : Berling Media
Date : 2012-05-15

Times – Tecknad under överseende
av Stanley Morison

(Eng. Times – Supervised
by Stanley Morison)

Organizer : Typografiska Cirkeln,
Svensk Form & Svenska Tecknare
Date: 2008-03-27

(Eng. Spaces)
Röhsska Museet, Gothenburg
Debate together with professor HC Ericson
Organizer : ADA
Date : 2008-05-29

Om typografi
(Eng. About typography)
Organizer : In Time AB
Date : 2004-10-11

Days with Typography
Organizer : HL Display
Date : 2002

OpenType teknologi
Organizer : Adobe Systems Nordic AB
Date : 2002-11-07

Laudon Sthlm Sans
– Ett typsnitt blir till

(Eng. Laudon Sthlm Sans
– The birth of a typeface)

Organizer : Innovatum
–Kunskapens Hus, Trollhättan
Date : 2001

Dagens Nyheters Bodoni
och dess tillkomst
Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm
(Eng. Lecture about DN Bodoni,
together with Örjan Nordling)

Organizer : Dagens Nyheter
Date : 2001-02-22/27

Lectures at Academies

Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm
Kulturverkstaden, Gothenburg
Yrgo, Gothenburg

Jönköping University
Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Oslo, Norway
Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm
Kulturverkstaden, Gothenburg
Yrgo, Gothenburg

Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Kulturverkstaden, Gothenburg
Design programme at Linnaeus University, Växjö
Södertörn University, Huddinge
Yrgo, Gothenburg

Design programme at Linnaeus University, Växjö
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall
Kulturverkstaden, Gothenburg
Yrgo, Gothenburg

Design programme at Linnaeus University, Växjö
Kulturverkstaden, Gothenburg
Yrgo, Gothenburg
Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall
Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm
Forsbergs Skola AB, Stockholm
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Södertörn University, Huddinge

Kulturverkstaden, Gothenburg
Design programme at Linnaeus University, Växjö
Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm
Forsbergs Skola AB, Stockholm
Yrkeshögskolan, Gothenburg

School of Design and Crafts at Gothenburg University

Göteborgs Konstskola, Gothenburg
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Chalmers Tekniska högskola i Göteborg
Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
Design programme at Linnaeus University, Växjö

Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Design programme at Linnaeus University, Växjö

School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
Beckmans College of Design

Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
Forsbergs Skola AB, Gothenburg

Forsbergs Skola AB, Gothenburg

Forsbergs Skola AB, Stockholm and Gothenburg
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm
Grafit, Studium i Göteborg AB

School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Grafit, Studium i Göteborg AB
Beckmans College of Design
Berghs School of Communication
Konstfack University of Arts, Stockholm

School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg
Berghs School of Communication
Beckmans School of Design
Grafit, Hisingens vuxengymnasium

Grafit, Studium in Göteborg AB
School of Design and Crafts at University of Gothenburg

Here you find the Academies.
Forsbergs Skola AB
Jönköping University
Konstfack University of Arts
Mid Sweden University
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Linnaeus University
School of Design and Crafts
Södertörn University

The radio show series TYPO for Sveriges Radio P1
The radio show TYPO, on type and typography, was produced by FILT and aired weekly in Sveriges Radio P1 during 2012–2014. I participated in the shows and as a special advisor on typography, type design, type history and other type discourses. Click here to listen to the show, TYPO.

Student Library
Click here for online resources 

Selected Interviews

Hilda Hellström & Carolina Laudon får kulturstipendier
Organizer : CAP & Design
Date : 2014-11-26

”När jag tecknar typsnitt är jag en del av ett större sammanhang”
(Eng. When I draw typeface I become part of a large context)
Author : Mette Rosencrantz
Publisher : Cap&Design
Date : 2014-11-26

Bokstäver som konst
(Eng. Letters as Art)
Publisher : GT Kultur
Date : 2014-11-15

”Trendiga typsnitt och tung sten på konstmuseet”
(Eng. Trendy typefaces and heavy stone at the Art Museum)
Author : Johanna Hagström
Publisher : Göteborgs-Posten
Date : 2014-12-06öje/trendiga-typsnitt-och-tung-sten-på-konstmuseet-1.265888